Welcome to Harding Memorial Integrated Primary School
Do you have a child due to start P1 in September 2024?
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Hooray! We are back to school!

School starts back on Tuesday 1st September and we cannot wait to see you all again – we have missed you very much.  I'm sure you can't wait to see your friends and meet your teacher because it has been such a long time since we have all been together.

         Just a few things to remember for next week:

No school bags are needed at the start of this new term and we would recommend a disposable bag with lunch and break and a bottle of water which can be refilled in school.  All lunch boxes and containers should be washed/wiped down each day with suitable wipes before being sent in to school the next day.

Children will come in to school using the three separate entrances as advised in the letter from Mr Cumper posted on the website entitled Parent Letter Wednesday 19th August.  IMPORTANT: Starting times for each individual Class are also advised in that letter. 

School dinners will be available from 1st September.  These will be delivered to the classrooms at this stage and the menu for the first four weeks is available on the website.  ALL ORDERS FOR SCHOOL MEALS WHETHER PAID OR FREE MUST BE MADE THROUGH THE NEW SCHOOLMONEY SYSTEM.  IF YOU ARE ENTITLED TO FREE MEALS YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED ONCE YOU HAVE ORDERED ON THE SYSTEM. 

SchoolMoney ordering has been set up for the week initially after which you will be able to order for the month at a time if you wish.

School Milk will be available from 1st September.  This is also on the SchoolMoney system so if you wish your child to take milk in school as before please pay electronically using this cashless system.

We will be glad to see all your happy faces on Tuesday Morning once again.