Welcome to Harding Memorial Integrated Primary School
Do you have a child due to start P1 in September 2025?
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It is school policy that homework is set for all classes from Primary 1 - Primary 7.  Homework will be relevant and related to work being done about to be done in class.  Homework is given to reinforce class work and to inform parents of work being covered in class.  Some homework may involve some aspects of investigation or preparation for new work about to be undertaken.

We would ask that you show an interest in your child's work by asking questions, talking about the work, and making sure that it is neatly presented and of a good standard.

The amount and type of homework set in school will vary according to age and ability and may include reading, spelling and written work.

Children should always be praised and encouraged to do their best.  No homework will be set over the weekend or holiday breaks.  If there is any problem relating to homework please contact your child's teacher.